The TAS – Migration Labs project, funded by the European programme "Europe for Citizen", aims to support the fundamental principles of European citizenship and promote better civic and democratic participation at European level, reaffirming the values of solidarity, intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and fighting existing stereotypes, especially on migration and minorities. Our activities are mainly addressed to young people, policy makers and stakeholders from each partner country, with the aim of increasing awareness of the decision-making processes of the European Union, in particular in the field of migration, and increasing opportunities for social, intercultural and volunteering participation.
During 5 workshops, structured according to a dialectical approach that includes three development phases (thesis, antithesis and synthesis), participants will have the opportunity to analyse narratives and counter-narratives, prejudices and stereotypes on migrants and refugees, as well as national and European migration policies, in order to develop a document to be presented to European policy makers during the final project conference, as a "synthesis" of the reflections developed.
Thesis I
The first workshop, entitled "Stories of Migrations", addressed the topic of migration through a parallel between the past migrations of Italians to America and Switzerland and today's migrations and saw the participation of migrant children from the Sprar center in Catania. We talked about the difficulties, challenges and stereotypes that immigrants, yesterday as today, have to face and how, ultimately, the stereotypes that are directed at them are always the same, due to the widespread fear of foreigners that characterizes the migratory phenomenon.
Click here for a short summary video!
Thesis II
During the second Workshop we spoke together with the professor of the University of Catania, PhD Augusto Gamuzza, about the current situation of unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA) in Italy. We had a long debate, focused on the main difficulties that foreign minors face as soon as they arrive on Italian soil, but also on the rights that Italy recognizes them as minors and on how the situation changes once they reach the age of majority.
Click here for a short summary video!
During the Antithesis I workshop we talked about hate campaigns against migrants and NGOs operating in the Mediterranean. We had Luca Faenzi, Communications Manager of Mediterranea, as a guest. Together with Luca Faenzi we talked about what hate campaigns are, who encourages them and how we can counteract the hateful comments we read on social media.
Click here for a short summary video!
Antithesis II
In Antithesis II, the young participants engaged in simulation activities and game dynamics to personally deconstruct some stereotypes and prejudices that influence our daily lives.
We had the pleasure of having as a guest Milan Kuzmanović, researcher at the Center for Social Stability (Serbia).
Click here for a short summary video!
In the "Synthesis" laboratory we discussed and summarized the most interesting topics and questions of the previous workshops, attentive and intent to collect the opinions and statements of the participants, which were fundamental to develop together the Recommendation Paper that we presented in Brussels.
Click here for a short summary video!
Multiplier Event
Within the TAS Migration Labs project, Co.P.E. has organized or its Multiplier Event in a hybrid format, to allow interested parties to choose the participation method that best suits them.
The meeting took place in person on June 19, 2021, and online on the Zoom platform on June 28, 2021 and saw the participation of local stakeholders, volunteers, representatives of institutions, organizations and universities.
During the event, the project manager, Gianluca Scerri, presented to the participants present an overall overview of the project, the general and specific objectives and the activities implemented.
Final Conference
The final conference of the Tas Migration Labs project was held on August 10, 2021, in Brussels, thanks to the organization Vocal Europe and all the important guests and partners who participated.
The young representatives of each partner country presented the recommendations developed during the 5 workshops to the EU policy makers present at the conference, exchanging opinions and experiences on migration, fake news and stereotypes.
During the final months of the project, two young ESC volunteers were included in the TAS Migration Labs project: Sharon and Samuele actively contributed to the final activities of the project and had the opportunity to learn about the world of EU-funded initiatives, engaging in a formative volunteering activity that allowed them to obtain new skills useful for the future.
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