ITALY- Marching with the climate, Youth and local authorities against climate change

The project, co-financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), involves civil society organizations and local authorities from eight Italian territories to fight against the challenges related to the impacts of climate change by encouraging the commitment and concrete activation of young people. COPE is the local partner of the project for the Catania area. A work program that from June 2019 onwards plans to involve 15,000 young people in educational activities in and outside of schools, in the territory and in communities, through training sessions for students and teachers, participatory research activities, educational workshops and local actions promoted by young people for young people, territorial marches for the climate in some Italian cities and the drafting of a National Manifesto of Young People for the Climate. A program for the new generations, to make their voices heard in their communities, but also to increase their possibility of dialogue with local and national authorities on the topic of climate change. The project will start in June 2019 and end in 2021. For the 2019-2020 and 2020/2021 school years, the project has implemented several activities aimed at teachers and students:

  • In-person training day for teacherson climate change and global citizenship education methodology (Year 2019)
  • Methodological experimentation in the classroomby teachers in the regions of Tuscany, Lazio and Marche, by partner associations in the Municipalities of Milan, Bologna and Catania (year 2019, February 2020);
  • Student activismthrough participation in public marches and the general strike for the climate called by the committees of FridaysForFuture(year 2019);
  • Extracurricular workshops for young people, carried out online during 2020 in which students, representatives of youth associations and territorial movements participate. The training activities will concern leadership, participation channels, communication and co-design with representatives of local authorities and youth associations, to prepare local awareness campaigns on the topic of climate change.
  • Online implementation of the Winter School for in-depth study on the topic of climate change involving students from schools who previously took part in the workshops;
  • Online awareness campaign and March "2021-Last Call" carried out involving the territories affected by the project and the students who participated in the Winter School and other climate activists.

On the occasion of the online march, COPE created a commercial in collaboration with Suntethic Studio and the theatre duo Sbadaclown. Watch the commercial : Commercial 2021-Last Call

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via Vittorio Emanuele 159 Catania

IBAN: IT34G0501804600000011351483
Swift/BIC: ETICIT22XXX (se fuori UE).
CODICE FISCALE: 93009320875
Sede legale: Via Vittorio Emanuele II n. 159, Catania, 95131

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Telefono: 095-0933818
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