Under the Erasmus+ European funding line, COPE is participating in DIAL, a project that aims to address the issue of social polarisation by improving the dialogue skills and sense of engagement of European adults and the skills of adult educators in promoting dialogue.
The project promotes dialogue as a basic life skill, with the vision of "dialogue for all", as dialogue and dialogue skills are not equally accessible to all.
During the 24 months, the following activities will be implemented:
- design of a research-based model to introduce dialogue and its adaptation in daily life in 6 languages;
- design and testing of a training model and pilot training courses for adult educators and others promoting dialogue;
- low-threshold dialogue activities among learners to engage them and help them acquire new skills;
- mutual learning activities for trainers, other stakeholders and partners;
The project aims to achieve the following results:
- More Europeans have the skills and opportunities to engage in dialogue and have a greater sense of commitment;
- Trainers, coordinators and others working in educational institutions have the tools and increased capacity to engage people in dialogue in a variety of contexts;
- Dialogue skills are better understood as basic life skills, especially for adult learners.
Project partners are:
- Sivis - Finland
- Eyropaiko institoyto topikhs anaptykshs – Greece
- Fundacja centrum cyfrowe – Poland
- Glotta Nova, center za novo znanje, d.o.o., Ljubljana – Slovenia