Disinformation is a constantly evolving phenomenon that has a high potential to negatively influence democratic processes and social debates. It can influence, for example, the democratic debate and the expression of the vote, given on the basis of some fake news that can change and modify people's orientation and make voters express a preference with a will tainted by false news.
The FACT project, funded by the European Union will take place in Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Finland, Poland, Italy, as EU countries where citizens are less confident in their ability to recognize fake news (Flash Eurobarometer 464 - Fake news and disinformation) and less confident in the EU political system as a whole (Eurobarometer 91.5 - 2019).
Furthermore, the above-mentioned research shows that age is a crucial element in identifying people who are more likely to be persuaded by fake news and less likely to vote.
The project therefore aims to involve a diverse audience of beneficiaries (by age, gender, education level) in activities directly linked to EU policies against disinformation, allowing young participants to deepen their knowledge of EU institutions and policies to enable them to personally contribute to reaching those citizens who are not active in civic participation in their daily lives, thus reducing the influence of disinformation on the democratic life of the EU based on the debunking of fake news.
The expected duration of the project is 18 months.
The project leader is COPE, the European partners of the project are:
- IMVF - Portugal
- Jovesolides - Spain
- IASIS – Greece
- CTRIA – Hungary
- ACTA - Romania
- Efektas Group - Lithuania
- EYP- Finland
- Fundacja Autokreakja – Poland
To learn more about the project, visit the website fact-project.eu