Tanzania-Young people are tomorrow, Iringa Region

Funded by the CEI – Italian Episcopal Conference, with the ALM association as the leader and with numerous partners from the FOCSIV-Volunteers in the World universe (FOCSIV, CEFA, CMSR, CVM, FMSI, FONTOV, IBO Italia, LVIA, MLFM ) and the Episcopal Conference of Tanzania as a local counterpart, the project Young people are tomorrow - vocational training and social reintegration of young people with HIV/AIDS has as its general objective the “contribute to the promotion of a training model for the most vulnerable young people in Tanzania that guarantees them the possibility of changing their own living conditions and that of their families through the launch and promotion of social and productive activities that generate income and associative and active citizenship activities”.

COPE, as a partner of the project, has been involved for years at the Nyololo Hospital in the activities of improving health conditions in the Iringa region through the reduction of HIV transmission and the social reintegration of vulnerable groups.

The specific activities envisaged by the project and managed by COPE will be:

  • Specialist training of medical staff through the combination of theoretical and practical training,  supported by internship activities alongside the staff already employed at the CTC. The staff will be trained on safe childbirth and HIV transmission, counselling for the HIV Test (Volunteer Counselling and Test) and the administration of antiretroviral therapy; assistance in centers and through mobile clinics.

  • Activation of mobile clinics and emergency rooms. The staff already employed in mobile clinics will be integrated by young people in training;

  • Formation of 5 CBOs, civil society organizations composed of women, who will be responsible for carrying out awareness-raising activities in the villages. The peer-to-peer education methodology will be adopted, which is often used in the field of health promotion and more generally in the prevention of risky behaviors,

The training activities will take place in the premises and departments of rural hospitals in the Mufindi District and the CBOs will carry out training and awareness-raising activities aimed at pregnant women or women of childbearing age and young people in secondary schools living in the districts of Iringa and Mufindi.

The main topics covered will be: viral origin of HIV; prevention of vertical mother-to-child transmission of HIV; testing, counseling and treatment services; social reintegration, opportunities and vocational training programs. Cross-cutting themes will be proper nutrition, the importance of water, personal hygiene, domestic hygiene, malaria, cholera prevention and prevention of contact-transmitted diseases.

In addition to the more strictly health aspect, the training activities of the project will also concern the launch of 2 professional courses for the socio-economic reintegration of HIV carriers (150 beneficiaries in three years - 90 from sewing school and 60 from carpentry school) all young people at serious risk of social exclusion who will be inserted into the economic and social context thanks to the health support and professional training received suitable for the creation of economic activities and professional skills most in demand in the region. The training path is enriched by other subjects of study: Technical drawing; Basic computer science; Mathematics; Civic education; Micro-entrepreneurship; English language; Methodologies and social ethics. For the beneficiaries of the training activities, it will be necessary to equip the dormitories, the refectories and funds will be provided for the transportation of the students and scholarships.

The direct beneficiaries are all the young people with HIV/AIDS in the District of Mufindi, Iringa Region.  


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