TANZANIA: Young people are tomorrow: youth entrepreneurship and food sovereignty for young Tanzanians

The project " Young people are tomorrow" funded by the Italian Episcopal Conference, is the result of an important work of coordination and integration between the commitment of FOCSIV, of 10 of its member organizations and the Tanzanian Episcopal Conference as a local counterpart. The project activities entrusted to the partners (NGOs and the Tanzanian Episcopal Conference) will take place in various areas of the African country including: Arusha, Iringa, Same (Kilimangiaro), Bunda (Mara), Songea-Masasi-Tunduru (Ruvuma), Namtumbo (Ruvuma). The direct beneficiaries of the Arusha-Iringa-Same-Bunda-Songea-Masasi-Tunduru areas will be 2,560 in total; in the province of Namtumbo there will be 1460. The present intervention aims to improve the living conditions of the Tanzanian population, through training actions aimed at young people, for greater recognition of the dignity and rights of every human being, a better distribution of wealth, allowing everyone access to basic goods, greater unity and brotherhood, with particular attention to the care of the poorest and nature to preserve it for future generations. Several results are expected from the actions undertaken: improving access to information on the world of work and future possibilities for developing new entrepreneurial ideas, the launch of technical-professional training for 180 young people; support for decentralized training and the creation of consortia (CBO Community-based organization) and agro-zootechnical cooperatives to stimulate the reduction of production costs and speculation in the food market The activities planned for the part of the project concerning COPE and the reference area are:

  • Training and awareness-raising activities in 12 villages in the Namtumbo district


  • Training and support for the creation of agricultural consortia to improve the conditions of sale of food products


  • Activities to promote the fumigation and storage of corn for young agricultural consortia


  • Activation of 3 annual VETA training cycles "Organic agriculture and business", "Entrepreneurship and livestock farming".


  • Provision of 9 quarterly on-the-job courses (3 courses X 3 years) on horticulture and breeding


  • Construction of 5 information and update centers


  • Creation of a network of stakeholders

The field training activities will be carried out at the veterinary laboratory of the CRAS Center ("Sustainable Agriculture Rural Center" - an example of a School-Farm and School-Business born in 2007), making the path highly qualifying in terms of skills acquired. Below we indicate the other Fcosiv NGOs involved: ALM - Lay Missionary Association, CEFA - European Committee for Training and Agriculture, CMSR - World Centre for Reciprocal Development, CVM - Community of Volunteers for the World, FMSI - Marist Foundation for International Solidarity Onlus, FONTOV- Giuseppe Tovini Foundation, IBO Italia - Italian Association of Building Partners, LVIA - International Association of Lay Volunteers, MLFM - Movement for the Fight Against Hunger in the World.

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