"Giovani e Genitori al Centro" (literally "Young People and Parents at the Center", is a project managed by the leader Cope-Cooperazione Paesi emergenti, included in the call for educational communities of the Social Enterprise “With Children” within the Fund for combating child educational poverty. The Fund supports interventions aimed at removing economic, social and cultural obstacles that prevent minors from fully enjoying educational processes. To implement the Fund's programs, the social enterprise Con i Bambini was created in June 2016, a non-profit organization entirely owned by the Fondazione Con il Sud (www.conibambini.org).
Giovani e Genitori al centro aims to expand and strengthen the network "Catanese hub for intercultural education", active since 2014 in the Librino district (Catania) to fight illegality and prevent school dropout through a territorial pact between schools, cultural associations, NGOs, immigrant communities, universities, production companies and international partners.
The project has an expected duration of 30 months with a very varied program of activities broad that includes: focus groups with key players in the educational paths; consultation workshops, drafting and validation of the Librino Educational Pact; lab days, with the methodological support of Codici, days of participatory sharing, actions to redevelop the public spaces of the neighborhood and the creation of the "Garden of Dreams" in the external spaces of the San Marco Hospital.
In addition to the CO.P.E., the project implementation network also includes the University Hospital "G. Rodolico - San Marco" of Catania, the I.C. Rita Atria (formerly Fontanarossa), the I.C. De Amicis of Tremestieri Etneo (Ct), the C. D. Teresa di Calcutta, the Etnea Musical Association, the associations Afrodanzando, Talità Kum, Musica Insieme a Librino, Rifiuti Zero Sicilia, Vides Ginestra, the independent organization Codici Ricerca e Intervento, the Confraternita Misericordia of Librino, the Collegio Maria Ausiliatrice, HdueO sport & animazione a.s.d., Il Giardino delle Biodiversità s.r.l. (agricultural company).
Young People and Parents at the Center, is a project selected by Con i Bambini as part of the Fund for the fight against child educational poverty.