IPA-Together For the Environment-Let's raise awareness among new generations about climate justice, is an 18-month project that has the general objective of promoting actions at all levels to combat the effects of climate change.
Specific objectives:
- Increase the knowledge of the younger generations in order to stimulate the culture of environmental sustainability attentive to the promotion of a sustainable development model and facilitate the relationship with society, the world of school and work and local institutions.
- Develop and strengthen the associative networks of the Third Sector through relationships with other territorial bodies, institutional and non-institutional, to urge communities on the need to adopt responsible behaviors to help minimize the negative effects of climate change.
Priority areas of intervention:
- development of the culture of volunteering and active citizenship, especially among young people;
- promotion of educational and training courses on climate change, especially in schools;
- raising awareness among people on the need to adopt responsible behaviors to help minimize the negative effects of climate change on natural communities and human.
The project will be carried out on the national territory thanks to the large partnership of NGOs involved.
In Sicily in CATANIA - (Acireale, Nicolosi) and PALERMO.
Expected results:
- 250 lower and upper secondary schools integrate their training plans with the development of Learning Units (UdA) on issues relating to the effects of climate change and their impact on global socio-economic dynamics, resilience and ecological conversion strategies, and the green economy; experiment with creative and artistic workshops and work-study alternation projects;
- Data on the status and good practices experimented by NGOs, local authorities, associations, educational institutions, cultural promotion institutes, companies and informal groups in the area that have adopted sustainable lifestyles and models of production and consumption are collected, shared and disseminated through mapping and publication;
- Discussion and dialogue are strengthened for a national multi-stakeholder strategy on adaptation to climate change and on the opportunities arising from ecological conversion shared by citizens, Third Sector actors, environmental associations, local authorities, the world of school, companies and national and European institutions.
Recipients of the interventions: Public and private lower and upper secondary schools (14 schools on average per Region), 500 teachers of various school subjects, 2 teachers for each school.