Jardim das Mulheres - Guinea Bissau - Misereor Funds

Started in 2019, thanks to a second funding from Misereor, the project aims to support 130 beneficiaries in the Diocese of Bissau (Local Partner).

The general objective is to increase the resilience of rural communities in the Cacheu region.

The specific objectives are two: to increase income-generating activities in 4 villages in the Cacheu region and to improve social aspects in these villages.

This project aims to improve product marketing techniques; introduce efficient innovative technologies; improve skills in managing poultry activities for 4 villages and 1 family; improve behaviors related to nutrition and increase awareness of the primary role of women in the community.

The planned activities are multiple and diverse:

  1. Training on product marketing activities that includes a theoretical and a practical part and is aimed at avoiding overloading women with work, improving transport at community level;
  2. Workshops on the maintenance of storage and sales points for products divided into two phases: the first phase concerns practical lessons for the management of the structures, while in a second phase exercises will be carried out relating to the resolution of problems that may arise.
  3. Training on the management and business of an association to strengthen the structures of the associations benefiting from the project, and focused on both the social part and the economic part, relating to the management of the financial resources of the associations
  4. Exchange of good practices in which the beneficiaries can exchange points of view and share know-how with similar realities.
  5. Training on sustainable production techniques and conservation of products aimed at avoiding the waste of fruit and vegetables produced by the associations, through training in the transformation of garden products into preserves, which can be preserved for a long time.
  6. Construction of 80 “improved ovens” in 4 villages, essential to reduce the risk of fires due to the use of wood and open fire and to limit the damage to the health of women who, when cooking, are exposed to toxic fumes resulting from the use of low-quality coal;
  7. Introduction of the “Zeer” technology in 4 villages which would create a sort of refrigerator, through a cooling system that involves the use of water, which does not require the use of electricity for its operation and is useful for preserving food for up to a week, thus avoiding food waste and preventing it from being eaten when it has already gone bad.
  8. Construction of 4 storage and sales points for products at community level which provides for full participation of beneficiaries in the construction of warehouses, necessary for the storage of food products. These places will also be used for the direct sale of the products collected and subsequently processed.
  9. Construction or rehabilitation of 4 wells with an electric pump with solar panels, which will be supervised by the beneficiaries to avoid possible thefts.
  10. Construction of 4 community aviaries and 1 family aviary additional income-generating activity, which will accompany the horticulture one. The aviaries will be managed at community level, starting a non-intensive poultry farm, which includes both the sale of chicken meat and the sale of eggs.
  11. Training of poultry techniciansaimed at some members of the beneficiary associations who will participate in trainings - theoretical and practical - specifically designed for their training.
  12. Marketing of poultry productionaimed at creating a sales channel for poultry production, both in the region where the project is implemented and in the capital of the country, also through Show cooking activitiesuseful for putting into practice the use of horticultural products previously processed by the beneficiaries.
  13. Awareness campaign on the diversification of the food diet tounderstand the importance of a varied and balanced diet, and will be aimed especially at pregnant women and children.

Regarding the aspect purely on female empowerment, debates on the role of women in each beneficiary community will be organized, in which men will also participate, thus ensuring a participatory process and stimulating the comparison between the various figures. Furthermore, a group s

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via Vittorio Emanuele 159 Catania

IBAN: IT34G0501804600000011351483
Swift/BIC: ETICIT22XXX (se fuori UE).
CODICE FISCALE: 93009320875
Sede legale: Via Vittorio Emanuele II n. 159, Catania, 95131

Sede operativa: Via Crociferi n. 38 Catania, 95124
Telefono: 095-0933818
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