Itac@-On the road to the future Project

ITac@ is an innovative training and job placement project for the development of digital skills and the improvement of the employment conditions of 210 women, both Italian and foreign, and aims to combat the digital gender gap.

The project, selected by the Digital Republic Fund - Social Enterprise, is a totally free and personalized training and job placement program on multiple levels with the aim of improving the employment status of women, through the development of digital and transversal skills of women aged between 18 and 50 (with particular attention to the fragile categories of migrants, women excluded from the labor market or at risk of losing it).

According to Istat data from March 2023, one in two women works in Italy: 51.6% against 70.1% of men, despite the growth in the number of employed people (+22 thousand) compared to the previous month. The figure is among the worst in Europe, if compared with the EU average of 62.7% of employed women.

The ITac@ Project gives 210 women, both Italian and foreign, from all over Italy, the opportunity to improve their employment status and excel in the world of work because it combines digital training with the strengthening of the soft skills needed for change.

There will be 4 levels of training that can be modulated according to your needs and adapted to your level and 10 dedicated tutors for coaching, support and job placement. The courses, free and modulable, are Basic IT Training, including an in-depth study of productivity tools (Excel, Word and PowerPoint); Fundamentals of HTML, CSS, Java script programming for the development and maintenance of simple web applications; Low Code + No Code Training for the creation of digital products and services without the prerequisite of specific programming and coding skills; Advanced training for the development of more complex web applications with React framework.

During the training, support services will also be activated, such as coaching, continuous tutoring, in addition to the activation of conciliation services study/work, baby parking and baby sitting (the latter in particular in the provinces of Parma and Catania).

ITac@ was born from the collaboration between the non-profit world of ISF, COPE and CIAC and the profit world represented by Impactskills, Mygrants and Intesys, united by the common goal of maximizing the skills of the beneficiaries, making them more autonomous and accompanying them towards an upgrade of their condition.

The project was selected by the Fund for the Digital Republic - born from a partnership between the public and private social sectors (Government and Association of Foundations and Savings Banks - Acri) and, on an experimental basis for the years 2022-2026, allocates a total of approximately 350 million euros. The goal of the fund is to increase digital skills and develop the digital transition of the country. To implement the programs of the Fund - which moves within the scope of the digitalization objectives set by the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) and the FNC (National Complementary Fund) - in May 2022 the Fund for the Digital Republic - Social Enterprise was born, a non-profit organization entirely owned by Acri.

For more information

For information on the project:

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via Vittorio Emanuele 159 Catania

IBAN: IT34G0501804600000011351483
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CODICE FISCALE: 93009320875
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