The Thubime Project currently underway at the Nyololo Health Centre, thanks to the partnership with the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, the Mufindi District – Medical Officer and the University Of Dodoma and the funding of the Globul Fund and AICS, has the general objective of ensuring health and well-being for the entire local population of the health district, and by 2030, putting an end to the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), malaria and neglected tropical diseases.
Within the general framework of the project, it is envisaged to support the Tanzanian Government in the control and prevention of HIV and TB through the implementation of a multidisciplinary approach based on the strengthening of the public health service and raising awareness among the population general.
Through the implementation of the project activities, the aim is to improve the early diagnosis capabilities and quality of integrated HIV and TB treatment services in the Mufindi District, in the Iringa Region and to increase the resilience/capacity of the target communities to combat the spread of HIV and TB.
From a health point of view, through the use of a highly sensitive molecular test, the aim is to identifycases of infection in a timely manner and collect epidemiological data on the circulation of tuberculosis strains in the target population.
From a social point of view, through an awareness campaign that uses participatory theater, the aim is to reduce the socio-cultural barriers related to TB and HIV.
The planned activities concern the various socio-health aspects of the project:
- Equipping the Nyololo Health Centre mobile clinics with “Genexpert Omni” diagnostic equipment, Alere Determine™ TB LAM Ag and “E-Detect” telemedicine system
- Implementing HIV TB case screening campaigns in 11 villages in Mufindi District
- TB case transmission survey in Mufindi District
- Evaluating the performance of the Alere Determine™ TB LAM Ag test
- strengthening a health support system for TB and HIV patients at the community level through the home-based care program
In this way, the Nyololo Health Centre will become the district-level referral facility for the treatment of TB and HIV.
A special approach has been addressed to vulnerable populations such as pregnant women and children under 5 years of age and also to primary school children through an education programme on the prevention of HIV and TB in 11 primary schools using the peer education system.
Watch the demonstration video: video thupime