Completed projects

27 August 2024
Jardim das Mulheres - Guinea Bissau - Misereor Funds

Started in 2019, thanks to a second funding from Misereor, the project aims to support 130 beneficiaries in the Diocese of Bissau (Local Partner). The general objective is to increase the resilience of rural communities in the Cacheu region. The specific objectives are two: to increase income-generating activities in 4 villages in the Cacheu region […]

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10 February 2023
Actor of inclusion-Tunisia

Actors of inclusion - Socio-professional inclusion of young people with disabilities through theater and training internships, is a project launched by COPE, lasting one year, aimed at strengthening the enjoyment of the rights of people with disabilities and their organizations in Tunisia. Since 2011, Tunisia has shown an increasing awareness and interest in the rights […]

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9 February 2023
"F.A.C.T. - Foster Awareness on the relevance of Checking the Truth”

Disinformation is a constantly evolving phenomenon that has a high potential to negatively influence democratic processes and social debates. It can influence, for example, the democratic debate and the expression of the vote, given on the basis of some fake news that can change and modify people's orientation and make voters express a preference with […]

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27 June 2022
"Ricomincio da Te-Je Repars de Toi" Community-based rehabilitation in Tunisia

    Launched by the Cope in 2020, the ‘Ricomincio da te-Je Repars de Toi’ project, co-funded by the AICS (Italian Development Cooperation Agency), aims to have an impact on the equality and inclusion of persons with disabilities in Tunisia through the promotion and strengthening of their rights at both the individual and associative levels. […]

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16 June 2022

The tourism sector plays a significant and growing role in the EU's economic performance. Along with the increase in short domestic trips, destinations away from mass tourism have become more important. The trends highlighted raise the need for new approaches. The first of these is sustainable tourism from an environmental and social point of view. […]

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23 March 2021
Italy-IPA- Together For the Environment-

IPA-Together For the Environment-Let's raise awareness among new generations about climate justice, is an 18-month project that has the general objective of promoting actions at all levels to combat the effects of climate change. Specific objectives: Increase the knowledge of the younger generations in order to stimulate the culture of environmental sustainability attentive to the […]

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19 March 2021
Tanzania-Thubime Project for the treatment and prevention of Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS

The Thubime Project currently underway at the Nyololo Health Centre, thanks to the partnership with the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, the Mufindi District – Medical Officer and the University Of Dodoma and the funding of the Globul Fund and AICS, has the general objective of ensuring health and well-being for the entire local population […]

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19 March 2021
Tanzania-Nyololo Hospital during the Covid-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every country in the world, including Tanzania. Considering the large percentage of Tanzanian citizens with chronic diseases such as Malaria, Tuberculosis, HIV, Hypertension, Diabetes and other immunodeficiency diseases, the scarce or often non-existent presence of health materials and resources, the scarce presence of specialized health personnel and economic resources, the […]

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19 March 2021
Tanzania-Young people are tomorrow, Iringa Region

Funded by the CEI – Italian Episcopal Conference, with the ALM association as the leader and with numerous partners from the FOCSIV-Volunteers in the World universe (FOCSIV, CEFA, CMSR, CVM, FMSI, FONTOV, IBO Italia, LVIA, MLFM ) and the Episcopal Conference of Tanzania as a local counterpart, the project Young people are tomorrow - vocational […]

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