
Within the framework of the European Erasmus+ funding line and national calls for proposals dedicated to Global Citizenship Education, COPE has for years been designing and implementing awareness-raising actions in various fields of intervention (migration, climate change, online hate speech, etc.) in partnership both in Italy and in other European countries.

ONES 2 - Hate is not a sport 2

The project Hate is not a sport 2 intends to develop the actions of the previous edition andcontribute to combating online hate speech related to the sports sector, maintaining the centrality of educational activities to foster young people's resilience in the face of the phenomenon.   The project is being implemented in 7 Italian regions (FVG, Veneto, […]

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"Azioni Concrete, Impronte Leggere" Project

“Azioni Concrete Impronte Leggere” is the project - financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, born from the collaboration between COMI Ong, Rete Clima, Impactskills, LVIA Ong, Amici dei Popoli Ong, C.O.P.E. Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti Ong, MLAL Trentino Onlus, CVCS, Informatici Senza Frontiere - which develops educational and gamification paths to raise awareness of […]

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"Giovani e Genitori_al Centro" Project

"Giovani e Genitori al Centro" (literally "Young People and Parents at the Center", is a project managed by the leader Cope-Cooperazione Paesi emergenti, included in the call for educational communities of the Social Enterprise “With Children” within the Fund for combating child educational poverty. The Fund supports interventions aimed at removing economic, social and cultural […]

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Itac@-On the road to the future Project

ITac@ is an innovative training and job placement project for the development of digital skills and the improvement of the employment conditions of 210 women, both Italian and foreign, and aims to combat the digital gender gap. The project, selected by the Digital Republic Fund - Social Enterprise, is a totally free and personalized training […]

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Italy-TUAS-Whole different story

A WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY New narrative frameworks against discrimination and hatred A Global Citizenship Education project that includes 16 Italian territories, divided into 10 regions (Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Sicily, Sardinia) - 14 provinces: Turin, Milan, Genoa, Bergamo, Verona, Padua, Trieste, Gorizia, Ferrara, Bologna, Florence, Catania, Cagliari and 3 municipalities […]

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DIAL-Dialogue In Adult Learning Project

Under the Erasmus+ European funding line, COPE is participating in DIAL, a project that aims to address the issue of social polarisation by improving the dialogue skills and sense of engagement of European adults and the skills of adult educators in promoting dialogue. The project promotes dialogue as a basic life skill, with the vision […]

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