“We have rice to r(a)ise awareness” is a fundraising campaign that takes place in May, supporting the right to food promoted by FOCSIV and other volunteer international organizations belonging to the FOCSIV federation. The main aim is the promotion of family farming in Italy and in the world, considering it as a sustainable, fair and equal model that involves both the right to food and to human dignity. Rice was chosen 22 years ago as the tool of promotion of the campaign. In fact, it represents one of the most widespread kinds of food, even among weaker social groups. As a consequence it promotes a development model that takes into account quality, food security, environment and local contexts. The offered rice is produced by FdAI (Filiera Agricola Italiana Firmato dagli Agricoltori Italiani) together with Coldiretti and Campagna Amica.

The campaign focuses on the collaboration between Italian farmers of the North of the World, and the farmers coming from the South of the World. This collaboration involves the defense of agricultural work; in fact, agricultural work, even by considering territorial differences, is characterized by the same problems, usually originated by a strong liberal logic. Agricultural work can constitute a tool useful for a new development.

If You want to discover numbers of the campaign and intervention in Italy and in the world, visit the website

Download the flyer with the projects of the 2024 edition Abbiamo riso volantino progetto COPE 2024

We have rice… at the chekechea of Nambehe!” is an intervention in the field of child protection. It is dedicated to children between 3 and 6 with malnourishment issues, in the south of Tanzania, more precisely in Nambehe. The chekechea started by COPE is the only kindergarten in the area: since 2007 it has ensured kindergarten education to children coming from the most vulnerable families. More in particular, the school canteen plays a crucial role, having a high level of attention on issues originated by malnourishment.

What can you do?

Buy buying a bag of rice of 1kg with a contribution of €7 you can help our young students of the Chekechea and contribute to the cost of the school canteen, more in particular:

  • With €10: you can contribute to the meal preparation;
  • With €50: you can buy a box with 50kg and promote the campaign to your family, your friends, colleagues, neighbors! Together you can help in the maintenance of the garden;
  • With €100: you can entirely support the project and become an ambassador of the campaign.


  • You can invest your time and participate to the campaign, becoming part of a National initiative;
  • You can organize a training, online or in presence, to learn more about topics related to the right to food, critical consumption and sustainability.


Follow the updates on our Social media to know where to find the banquets with our volunteers. Write to us to the mail address or call the number +39 095-0933818

We want to support the territory. You can still choose to donate a bag of rice and help the vulnerable families. Click on https:// or make a transfer to our bank account Banca Etica IT34G0501804600000011351483

For more than 40 years, we have been committed to changing the world alongside local people.

IBAN: IT34G0501804600000011351483
Swift/BIC: ETICIT22XXX (if outside the EU).
Tax Code: 93009320875

Head Office: Via Vittorio Emanuele II n. 159, Catania, 95131
Operational Headquarters: Via Crociferi n. 38 Catania, 95124
Phone: 095-0933818
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